Elastic Cloud-Native Network File System for Big File Lakes

Supercharge heavily-used file shares, along with I/O-intensive HPC, AI/ML, and data science workflows with incredibly high aggregate throughput and dramatically lower cost.

What is flexFS™?

An innovative new class of elastic cloud-native network file system that empowers organizations to work effortlessly with file data of any scale with minimal infrastructure and operational overhead.

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Exabyte capacity with extremely elastic throughput

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Metered billing and low total cost of ownership

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Full POSIX-compliance for maximum tooling support

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Extended ACL support for fine-grain access control

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ISO 27001 certified vendor with strong security focus

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Native CSI volume driver for Kubernetes applications

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Drop-in replacement for EFS, FSx for Lustre, and others

“Blew the competition out of the water!”

Principal Scientist, Top 10 Pharma

“We have projected savings of $8M over 3 years for cloud storage and computing costs.”

Director of Cloud Storage, Top 10 Pharma

“Our storage costs decreased by over 50% for this project, and we also improved performance and throughput. As a result, our computing costs also went down.”

Contractor, NASA

12 TiB data volume, FSx for Lustre using 1000 MB/s/TiB option

Choose flexFS for

High Elasticity

Optimized to work in parallel on large file volumes. Easily handles 1000s of concurrently mounted hosts. Scales up and down instantly.

Ease of Use

Quick and simple installation. Full POSIX-compliance. Extended ACL support. Automatic capacity scaling without operational overhead.


Always-on encryption in transit and at rest. Additional end-to-end encryption support. US-based, ISO 27001 certified vendor.

Hybrid Operation

Mount volumes in the cloud and on-premise. Efficiently share file data between public cloud environments and private data centers.

Lower Cost

Metered, usage-based billing. Dramatically lower cost and better cost predictability than mainstream alternatives.

Certified to work well with

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